Our Program

Eucalyptus trees were planted along our roads in the 1900’s. Foggy weather and abundant groundwater have allowed them to grow and spread very quickly. In many cases they were topped to stop growth towards power lines. Unfortunately this type of pruning invited rot into our roadside trees, which is a very problematic structural defect. With drought and tortoise beetle insect damage many trees are suffering.

The arborist reports confirm that full removal is the preferred response to the poor health of these trees. 500 petition signatures from local residents confirm the consent to make these necessary changes. BCPUD, BFPD, Supervisor Dennis Rodoni and Public Works Director Rosemarie Gaglione have all toured the 700+ eucalyptus stand located at Mesa and Olema-Bolinas Roads and showed enthusiasm and support for our vision of hazardous tree removal and vegetation restoration.

Zone 5 Projects

We have worked with partners to provide conceptual drawings to showcase the plan.

View them here.

Our first project is to address Zone 5, the most critical area under consideration. This area is at the intersection of Mesa and Olema Bolinas Roads.

Read about the project here.

Read the Reports